Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Links and Resources

www.alldifferent-allequal.info - “All Different - All Equal” European Youth Campaign
www.coe.int/youth - The Council of Europe and Young People
www.concourt.am - The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia
ec.europa.eu/youth - Europian Commission - Youth
www.gov.am - The Government of The Republic of Armenia
www.iabcentre.am - International Accountancy and Business Centre
www.matenadaran.am - Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts
www.mca.am - Millennium Challenge Account - Armenia
www.ombuds.am - Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia
www.parliament.am - National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
www.president.am - President of the Republic of Armenia
www.sci.am - National Academy of Sciences of Armenia