Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Lilit Sindoyan

Business Success Formula:
Dream and believe in miracles

It was during one of the Vanadzor training sessions when I learned about the “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” project implemented by Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA). It was a great project for start-up businesses. I came home and quickly filled out an application form. It was the winter of 2014. After waiting a couple of months, I had already lost hope that I would be involved in the project. And then I received the long-awaited call: "Congratulations, you are included in the list of the 20 beneficiaries of this phase of the “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” project”. I couldn’t be happier.

I started to attend the business courses in March. I remember the enthusiasm of the participants, when the whole team was encouraging us, saying that we are entrepreneurs and we are successful, that we can have a successful and growing business. We believed, and that inspiration is still with me today.

The KALIME Art Studio” silver jewelry business plan was created by me during thetrainings. I was very excited to present my plan to AYWA.
It was the business plans’ evaluation stage when I saw AYWA president, Lilit Asatryan, giving me bread in my dream. The next morning, I received a call from AYWA regional representative who told me the good news, “Your business plan has been approved by the Commission of the European Union and Armenian Young Women’s Association, and it will be financed."

Thanks to the projectwe have obtained the necessary equipment for making high-quality jewelry and have managed to move out from a rented facility to a spacious and comfortable area.
The existence of our business is already widely known among a large number of people. We have abandoned the idea of ever emigrating from our country to look for opportunities abroad. When all this happens to someone who has lost all the hope, one realizes that there are miracles in life, miracles that happened to me.

Then, as a beneficiary, I began to take part in all charity fairs and EXPO exhibitions, organized by AYWA. There, I found new partners, markets and loyal customers

I always begin my day with gratitude to God for having woken, for being I with my family, and having the opportunity to live in my country. Miracles are yet to come in my life. I dream of making my country a better place to live and I believe that all my dreams will come true.
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