Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Gayane Ayvazyan

Business Success Formula:
Willpower and persistence

I used to have a clothes outlet, where I sold clothes brought from Gyumri. Seeing the sewing demand rising day by day, I decided to set up a sewing business in my community Tashir. I bought several sewing machines and started sewing linen, children’s clothes, caps, shirts. The successful course of business inspired me to work day and night and to bring ideas to life. I tried to be different from the competitors, to have a diligent and resilient team to meet the customers’ demands. As a result, I get inspired and excited when I get positive feedback from my clients, as my efforts are appreciated.
In summer 2015 one of my relatives told me about AYWA, which organized several trainings aimed at developing professional education and skills.
After participating in “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” Project implemented by Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA) and funded by European Union, huge power and will awakened in me again to bring my ideas to life.
I presented my business plan and was awarded a grant. I invested the grant in enhancing my business by purchasing state-of-the art and necessary equipment.
I feel appreciated, as I produce necessary things and can solve some families’ social issues by ensuring workplaces for women.
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