Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Anahit Ohanyan

Business Success Formula:
The dreams will come true if we turn them into goals and achieve them.

I have learnt about Armenian Young Women’s Association’s activities when I was in my 9th year at school. At that time AYWA was implementing "Girls' state" movement establishment in Republic of Armenia" project, which gave me a chance to enhance my knowledge on leadership, personal skills, team work, volunteering and other spheres. Afterwards, I have participated in other courses and events organized by Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA).
In the framework of “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” project from July-August 2015 I participated in business training based on CEFE methodology. I had a great desire to go into business, had many ideas, I wanted to bring to reality at least one of them. Due to the one-month course, I understood how I could develop a business plan, how to start and develop my own business. A number of professional trainings gave me a chance to have a more literate approach to business, to organize and develop each idea.
When the business plan was ready and when I was to present it to the committee I was very nervous, but sure that it would have a success.
I was exultant when I learnt that my business plan would be funded by AYWA and European Union. That confidence empowered me and I understood that I should not stop and should develop both my business and my skills year by year which, in its turn, will ensure literate business management.
Now I can run my first business, teashop, where we serve different types of tea made of Armenian herbs.
I have many plans for future. I hope that with my small business I will activate and develop tourism in our town.
I highlight the AYWA’s important role in the development of my knowledge, ideas and work skills, as the organization’s support was huge for both starter and established women entrepreneurs. I participated in Women Entrepreneurship Conference in Ireland, which gave me a great chance to find new partners, to exchange experience with already established women entrepreneurs.
I advise starter entrepreneurs like me not to be afraid from obstacles, to always move forward and to believe in your power.
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