Business Success Formula:
Organization of the day and effective distribution of time.
Taking into account the fact, that cattle breeding is well developed and the region has some sorts of developed dairy production, I have determined to promote producing the sort of the dairy that isn't so developed .While studying the quantity of dairy production in the Republicand comparing it with the amount in our region I came to understand that I have to set up the business of tan production. The Lori region takes the first place in the field of cheese production, but not in producing tan , that's why the demand is very high. In the market the most part of tan production is of low quality. On the basis of the fact mentioned above and a great desire to start up own business I participated in the “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” project which is carried out by European Union and Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA).
I got acquainted with all the tools for establishing and running business e and made up a business plan that was approved and deserved a grant. It led me to continue and prosper my business.
Owing to the grant I set up my own business. At present there is lack of the sorts of the dairy in the market suggested by me, it is innovation. The market offers carbonated tan, made of pure milk and with the taste of lemon.
Armenian Young Women's Association was the first companion who gave the opportunity to join in charity fairs in order to show the product to Armenian consumer, to gain new companions.
From time to time AYWA organizes trainings on different subjects concerning business women activities who make business in different fields. As a result of a number of business trainings and professional trainings I have already vision of the first-year business development, the basic knowledge of business management , I have also studied thoroughly the market that means more significant for me than financial investment.
Those women who have some idea should get down to it in order to realize their goal.And I believe they will.