Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

“Promoting Tea as the engine of growth in the Black Sea Basin Area” (TEAWAY)

“Promoting Tea as the engine of growth in the Black Sea Basin Area” (TEAWAY)

Since August 2018 “Promoting Tea as the engine of growth in the Black Sea Basin Area” (TEAWAY) Project is being implemented by Armenian Young Women’s Association.
The Project is being co-funded in the framework of 1st call of the project proposals of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020”.
Lead partner Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Xanthi, Greece.
The Project Duration is 24 months.
Project Partner countries - Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria Turkey.

Goal and objective of the project:
The TEAWAY project aims to strengthen the cultural link and to enhance the respective capacities to better capture the economic growth potential given by the tea.

Strategic orientation:
TEAWAY project focuses on the very specific element of the Black Sea agriculture which is the cultivation/production and marketing of tea. This means that the overall project objective is to Promote and show the local and regional tea products and their procedures to creating new market opportunities. Agriculture is still a substantial or major component of the Black Sea Basin national economies. This means that this sector represents a significant part of export and employment. The project considers tea as an agricultural product which should be among the main goods traded between the BSB countries.
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