Training series within TEAWAY BSB-541 Project
Armenian Young Women’s Association is launching free training series within the “Promoting Tea as the Engine of Growth for the Black Sea Basin Area-TEAWAY” project.
Individuals and companies dealing with tea production, representatives of formal and non-formal groups supporting tea production, research institutions and interested people are welcome to take part in the training.
The aim of the training
Training series within the TEAWAY project are mainly directed to solve the problems faced by tea producers during the whole process from herbs’ gathering to market. Training of people working in the tea production process will increase the regional and national value of the brand.
Training series will take place during October, 2020.
The format of the training will be online.
Training topics are;
1. Effective Communication
2. Marketing
3. Production Management
4. General Management.
For registration please fill in the form till 30th of September.
In case of questions please contact AYWA office (+374 94) 58 07 87: