Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Anush Manukyan

Business Success Formula:
You must fight to achieve goals

The key to my business success is solely due to my ceaseless struggles. My life experience has shown that to achieve any success you need to have a clear goal and a properly mapped out path. And to successfully navigate the path, one must be strong, strive for more and never give up.
Many people in our community make their living from poultry farming by selling eggs or poultry meat. I decided to get involved in poultry production more seriously and at the same time to contribute to the improvement of social conditions within my community. My goal was to establish incubation farming.
Sometimes the needs of my family and work were so great that I didn’t even have time to eat. Along with the family chores and problems, cleaning work at our community church, and tending to my cattle, I was also engaged in business trainings in the framework of the “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in Armenia” project, implemented by the Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA) and the European Union.
I appreciate the cooperation between the EU and the Association (AYWA), thanks to which many women are engaged in business, thus contributing to the improvement of their community’s living standards.
Victory is achieved through personal sacrifice. I know that I will face further difficulties and greater challenges in the future as well, but I will never despair. With my achievements, I will set an example and be a role-model for other women entrepreneurs. God bless you for the great work that you do. It helps so many people.
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