Women Entrepreneurs Network in Armenia

Esenia Simonyan “Powerful Haykavan”

In the framework of “Promoting Women’s Participation on Local Level through Social Entrepreneurship” Project implemented by AYWA, the Women's Council of Haykavan, consisting of 5 members, participated in a business training with my initiative.
According to community women, there were plenty of problems in the community, and plenty of ideas as well. And as a result of the three-day training, our Women's Council decided to establish a greenhouse farm that would solve the problem of women's employment in the community.
The desire to transfer the experience and knowledge to the new generation made Council members to engage other women and high school students too. They learn how to cultivate greenhouse plants, how to turn small plots of land into a business area, how to earn income and solve the employment problems of families.
The problem of the employment of Council members' families was also solved. They are already able to use the plot more effectively. We have already carried out the second harvest this year and it was sold in the market of Haykavan.
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